A recent study delves into the effects of enfinity® (paraxanthine), revealing that it significantly increases energy expenditure while reducing heart rate and hunger. This promising caffeine metabolite has fewer side effects and a shorter, more consistent half-life compared to caffeine, making it a strong contender in dietary supplements.

Study Key Findings:

  • Paraxanthine boosts energy expenditure by 100 calories in 3 hours
  • It decreases appetite, aiding in weight management
  • It lowers heart rate without affecting blood pressure significantly

The study, involving 21 healthy adults, used a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design, ensuring rigorous and reliable results. Participants experienced significant increases in resting energy expenditure across all paraxanthine doses compared to placebo.

Additional Insights:

  • Paraxanthine’s pharmacokinetics bypass the less desirable effects of caffeine’s other metabolites
  • The study’s careful design, including fasting compliance and controlled pre-experiment meals, highlights its reliability

Paraxanthine, marketed as enfinity® and distributed by TSI Group, continues to demonstrate its potential as a superior alternative to caffeine, with growing evidence supporting its efficacy and safety.

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For more detailed insights, read the full study here.