enfinity® (paraxanthine), TSI Group’s next-generation energy ingredient, was recently featured in Nutrition Industry Executive for its groundbreaking potential in the evolving active nutrition sector.

As consumers increasingly seek effective, clean energy solutions to fuel their workouts and daily activities, enfinity® is emerging as a game-changing ingredient, offering optimized energy without the drawbacks commonly associated with traditional caffeine.

The article highlighted how today’s active nutrition landscape extends beyond professional athletes and gym-goers to include a broader range of individuals –  from eSports players to busy professionals – all looking for ways to stay energized, focused, and productive. Unlike caffeine, enfinity® provides a smoother, more targeted energy boost without the jitters or crash, making it a standout ingredient in a variety of active lifestyle products.

Shawn Baier, MS, MBA, Vice President of Business Development for Innovative Ingredients at TSI Group, discussed in the article how enfinity® works uniquely to enhance both physical and mental performance. “While caffeine metabolizes into three compounds – paraxanthine, theobromine, and theophylline – research shows that paraxanthine is the key metabolite responsible for caffeine’s positive effects,” Baier explained. “enfinity® is a more efficient and refined form of energy, targeting only the benefits of paraxanthine while minimizing side effects like anxiety or energy crashes.”

enfinity® supports endurance and cognitive performance by improving alertness, focus, and motivation. For fitness enthusiasts, this means the ability to push through workouts with sustained energy and mental clarity, while avoiding the fatigue often experienced from high caffeine consumption. This makes enfinity® a versatile ingredient that caters to a wide spectrum of consumers in the active nutrition market, including those sensitive to caffeine but still seeking powerful energy support.

In addition to its performance-enhancing benefits, enfinity® also provides metabolic advantages. It has been shown to increase fat oxidation, helping the body burn fat more efficiently during exercise. This makes it an attractive ingredient for weight management and fitness products, further solidifying its place in the active nutrition category.

As active nutrition continues to grow, driven by consumers’ desire for safe, effective, and targeted energy solutions, enfinity® is at the forefront of innovation. Its ability to deliver clean, sustained energy without the negative side effects positions it as a preferred ingredient for brands looking to offer the next evolution of energy-boosting products.

To read the full article in Nutrition Industry Executive, please click here.