In a recent installment of the Formulator’s Corner series, PricePlow explores a unique take on nootropic formulation: a stimulant-based product designed for focus enhancement without compromising sleep quality. With enfinity® (paraxanthine), a game-changing ingredient...
We’re excited to announce that enfinity® (paraxanthine) is being mentioned as a top contender for the Ingredient Idol competition at this year’s SupplySide West, recognized as one of the top ingredients for esports and gaming performance. This annual...
PricePlow recently delved into MuscleTech’s latest hybrid supplement, Alpha Test Thermo XTR, highlighting its unique blend designed to burn fat and boost testosterone simultaneously. MuscleTech, known for innovative hybrid formulas, continues this tradition by...
In a groundbreaking discovery reported by PricePlow, paraxanthine, the primary metabolite of caffeine, is taking the spotlight with its transformative potential. Marketed as branded ingredient enfinity® and exclusively distributed by TSI Group, paraxanthine challenges...
In response to the evolving demands of a new generation, TSI Group and enfinity energy are forging a strategic partnership to propel the branded ingredient enfinity® (paraxanthine) into the global market. TSI Group, as a result of this collaboration, now stands as the...