A groundbreaking study recently reviewed by PricePlow reveals that paraxanthine, a metabolite of caffeine marketed as enfinity®, outshines caffeine in enhancing cognitive function following intense physical activity. The study focused on the cognitive effects of...
In a captivating new episode of the Nutraceuticals World podcast, Shawn Baier, VP of Business Development at TSI Group, delves into the fascinating world of nootropics, shedding light on their growing popularity and the science behind their efficacy. Nootropics, often...
enfinity® gives competitive athletes a clean, safe and effective alternative for energy, focus, mental clarity and improved reaction time. There’s a fast-rising superstar in the sports nutrition ingredient category. enfinity® (paraxanthine), a better-for-you caffeine...
For years, caffeine has dominated energy supplements, but its drawbacks like jitters and crashes are well-known. Enter enfinity® (paraxanthine), a caffeine metabolite that offers the same benefits without the downsides. Focus Bites by Natural Stacks harness this...
The energy drink market has just been shaken up by the arrival of Update Energy Drink, featuring the groundbreaking enfinity® (paraxanthine). Released in late 2022, Update stands out as the first to incorporate enfinity® (paraxanthine), a novel caffeine...